After returning to the hotel, I couldn't get into the room because I didn't have a key. I killed time sitting in the lobby bar, drinking expensive diet cokes, reading the newspaper. I met up with Logan and the rest of the WSS gang after their show and we celebrated my extended stay by a night on the town.
We wandered around for a while trying to find a club worth going to, because G-A-Y was "members only" which was lame. Just as we were about to give up, we stumbled upon a new night at Astoria called "OMO". They wanted to charge us a cover, but Leo did some sweet talking to get us all in for free. We hung out in this little lounge area for a while, drinking 7 pound shots before we realized that the main action was hidden downstairs. Needless to say, we danced our hearts out, drank beer like frat boys, and had the time of our lives.
OMO is having its grand opening next Saturday, and I would def recommend it.
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