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Friday, August 8, 2008
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Cut It Out!
Besty Hume, the beautiful Los Angeles actress/model, made her second appearance on Bravo's hit show Sheer Genius. Basically, it's the AMNTM format, but they cut hair and stuff....
Anyhow, this time around Ms. Hume's adorable little pup Houlu got in on the action!! Click the link below to see images from the show, or I'm sure it will re=run on Bravo like a million times.....
Anyhow, this time around Ms. Hume's adorable little pup Houlu got in on the action!! Click the link below to see images from the show, or I'm sure it will re=run on Bravo like a million times.....
Monday, August 4, 2008
Losing Our Heads
Back at Heathrow early this morning, trying to get on the first flight to JFK. So far, they won't even let me check my luggage after standing on line for nearly a half hour. Conveniently there is a Caffe Nero adjacent to the Delta counter, so I grabbed a double espresso and a chocolate croissant, and luckily was able to access some free wi-fi. The time difference is really a bummer as far as blog checking goes-- everyone in the states is fast asleep, so no new updates. However, was able to provide me with my first disturbing news item of the day.
Apparently, a 35 year old Greek man has been arrested after beheading his wife and parading around town displaying his carnage. I can't help but wonder if this horrific act is somehow the latest trend in grisly homicide. Only last week was a young man attacked on a bus in Canada; in Brazil a girl's "torso" was stuffed into a suitcase; and now this. Has this type of thing been going on forever, and only now does the media sensationalize the gory details of hacking someone's head off? Does it no longer suffice to simply to the deed, to kill someone quickly, clean with a gunshot or a few stab wounds? I wonder, what would it actually take to saw through someone's throat, spine, neck? What could possibly run through the mind, and at what point would the attacker contemplate giving up, only then to forge ahead?
I feel faint at the sight of a deep paper cut, but my stomach won't stop turning at the mere thought of this bullshit. Life is fucked up enough to not have to read stories about beheading over morning coffee.
Apparently, a 35 year old Greek man has been arrested after beheading his wife and parading around town displaying his carnage. I can't help but wonder if this horrific act is somehow the latest trend in grisly homicide. Only last week was a young man attacked on a bus in Canada; in Brazil a girl's "torso" was stuffed into a suitcase; and now this. Has this type of thing been going on forever, and only now does the media sensationalize the gory details of hacking someone's head off? Does it no longer suffice to simply to the deed, to kill someone quickly, clean with a gunshot or a few stab wounds? I wonder, what would it actually take to saw through someone's throat, spine, neck? What could possibly run through the mind, and at what point would the attacker contemplate giving up, only then to forge ahead?
I feel faint at the sight of a deep paper cut, but my stomach won't stop turning at the mere thought of this bullshit. Life is fucked up enough to not have to read stories about beheading over morning coffee.
Sunday, August 3, 2008
After returning to the hotel, I couldn't get into the room because I didn't have a key. I killed time sitting in the lobby bar, drinking expensive diet cokes, reading the newspaper. I met up with Logan and the rest of the WSS gang after their show and we celebrated my extended stay by a night on the town.
We wandered around for a while trying to find a club worth going to, because G-A-Y was "members only" which was lame. Just as we were about to give up, we stumbled upon a new night at Astoria called "OMO". They wanted to charge us a cover, but Leo did some sweet talking to get us all in for free. We hung out in this little lounge area for a while, drinking 7 pound shots before we realized that the main action was hidden downstairs. Needless to say, we danced our hearts out, drank beer like frat boys, and had the time of our lives.
OMO is having its grand opening next Saturday, and I would def recommend it.
Just when I thought my trip was coming to an end, I was bumped off my flight yesterday. The flights are way over-booked and I'm not sure when I'll be able to get back to NYC. I did however get to spend a long day at Heathrow Airport, pay 20 pounds for some crappy fish 'n' chips, listen to the new David Sedaris audiobook, and contemplate my future.
I can't help but think that this is the universe's way of keeping me away from New York. Plus, I get to spend a few more days with Logan.
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Too Hot...
Seriously... we walked all over to find the London Eye, and ended up turning around without taking the ride.
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
They say NYC it getting our second big heat wave of the season this Friday.
And I don't know about you, but me + the subway= 103 degrees.
Why don't they have some sort of industrial fan situation going on down there to air that shit out?
Friday, July 11, 2008
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Cool Kids Table
Can you believe this stunning group? The MKG crew enjoyed cocktails to kick off the 4th of July Weekend. Too bad Maneesh was unable to join, but I'm sure he was having an equally wonderful time in ol' Mexico! I had to leave the festivities a little early to run uptown to my appointment at LATHER.
And yes folks, it was worth all the capital letters. Not only was the massage great, but I picked up one of those candles I love so much!
And yes folks, it was worth all the capital letters. Not only was the massage great, but I picked up one of those candles I love so much!
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